Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Being curious...has no cure..

Many times..I keep asking questions..Some people around me think I am crazy..some appreciate my curiosity..Some think I am dumb..I think I need to know the truth..the secret..It is pretty exciting to always be in the quest of something..sometimes answers..sometimes questions..There is a fine line between curiosity and paranoia. Asking one question is natural. Asking many questions is being curious. Asking same question many times over is refusal to accept the inevitable. Asking same questions expecting different answers is paranoia..

Whatever be the case..if the doubt is genuine..if the question only helps clear the perspective, it is worthwhile to ask it. Nothing should stop one from asking that question..Some of the greatest challenges in life were overcome because someone was obstinate enough to ask questions to the obvious. Some of the most wonderful innovations in life were achieved because people questioned the status quo. Some of the greatest discoveries happened because people questioned the farthest known limits.

Curiosity kills the cat..This is always used to scare the cat..To convince him to step down..But, the cat always steps up one notch..Why? Because the cat knows he has nine lives...

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