Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hold the hands of the one you love and.....

Life is full of moments. How do we live them? What do we do in those moments? They never come back. They are gone forever. Only their charm stays. It is very important that we do make the most of every moment in our life. No regrets need remain. All we need to do is decide. And act. Live life wholeheartedly.

For every hour. A moment. And each moment being magical...Hold the hands of the one you love and.......
1) Wake up early at dawn.
2) Taste the first dewdrops on a rose petal.
3) Walk barefoot on grass in the morning.
4) Marvel at the golden rays of the rising sun.
5) Listen to the twitter of the birds on the nearest tree.
6) Spot butterflies together.
7) Prepare a cup of coffee.
8) Read the newspaper.
9) Go out in the rains without an umbrella.
10) Sing your favorite song.
11) Trace the complete arc of a rainbow.
12) Open the door knob at the count of three.
13) Prepare a delicious vegetable stew.
14) Paint a wall in your living room.
15) Read the newest book in your shelf.
16) Sit on a bench in a public park and watch the pigeons.
17) Wander along a secluded beach gazing at the lovely sunset.
18) Play the piano.
19) Sway to the tunes of your favorite artist.
20) Call up someone you havent spoken to in a long time.
21) Enjoy a quiet candlelight dinner.
22) Lie on the couch and look at your old photo albums.
23) Count the stars on a dark night.
24) Close your eyes...dream for a moment...and kiss like there is no tomorrow.

Some wise soul in Africa put it this way...Life is a shadow and a mist; it passes quickly by and is no more. Heres my take: Every shadow has its own meaning and time. The presence of the mist comforts those who wait for it. Indeed life is a shadow and a mist. Its meaning and presence for all to see. So, hold the hands of the one you love and.....

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