Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Heartbeat..the most beautiful sound in the cosmos..

There are somethings in life that have neither any explanations nor any reasons. How far does the universe extend? Why do people fall in love? Where is God? We do not seek any answers. The questions themselves reveal the answers in a subtle way. These answers are not spoken. But, everyone knows the truth. And we accept it.

Our heart..perhaps the most faithful companion. Our mind may have second thoughts. It might be confused. It might waver. But, our heart always does what it does. Stays true. Stays dedicated to the one task it lives to do. It ceases to do its duty when the purpose is over. There is nothing else to do. Of all the sounds that our ears know, the most beautiful is that of the heartbeat. Consider this. It takes a moment of silence to reveal this sound. Which other sound commands such a majestic obedience? If one listens carefully to one's heartbeat, one can hear the sound that resonated when the cosmos was born. One can hear the sound that lies trapped inside every living entity.

The heart makes the most important decision of our life...The ones whom we love. We trust our heart to do this right. I ask myself..How difficult is it to listen to one's heartbeat? How difficult is it to realize what the heart wishes to say? A moment of silence...And I can hear every living bit of me call out to me..I can feel the whole universe call out to me...The heartbeat..Most real..Most beautiful sound in the cosmos.

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